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*** The biggest revolution is we stop thinking as  they teach us to think


***Τhe global economy is collapsing because  this  is unnatural.

The  Nature says : We can consume what we produce.


***If you wave flags and you  feel proud when you hear the national anthem

If you don t  respect the stranger, the immigrant, the "different"

If you close your eyes to the true history of the "Nations"

You are too  an instigator of the crime in Norway


A  like you nationalist  killed  many people  because his sick mind was the same as yours










             (vide: HISTORICAL PAGES)





(By Nikos Adamopoulos, historian-PhD)

The Russian dictator  killed  Natalia as well.

Putin, the slaughterer of the Cecenian people, dictator of Russia and accessory before the fact in the assassination of several activists, after the murders of the journalist Anna Politkofskagia in 2006 and the lawyer Stanislaf Markelof in January of 2009 in Moscow, two days ago also killed the activist journalist Natalia Estemirova.
From September of 2004 until July of 2005, the Greek ministry of Education  sent me to Kiev to teach history and language at the Greek department of the
University of Seftsenko. By the time in Ukraine was happening the “orange revolution” of Victor Jusenco, which at the end proved a non-revolution, although we kept saying it was a real one. Every single day I was following the events carefully and I used to note down my impressions.
In this hoax, because it is proved a hoax, in which millions of Ukrainians took part demonstrating against the Russian guardianship in their country, one cold night (evenings the temperature used to descend at -25 grades), I met in Maydan square a team of Moscowians journalists and among them also a colleague, a professor of history and a historian-journalist in a local newspaper and journal. 
From him I heard for the first time in my life about the lawyer Stanislaf Markelof and the journalists Evgeni Kiselef, Anna Politkofskagia and Natalia Estemirova. All of them activists and defenders of the human rights in
Russia and Tsetsenia. Today all of them, except Evgeni Kiselef who banished himself in Kiev in order to save his life, are dead. Yesterday, the autocrat of Russia gave the order for Natalia’s assassination. That deplorable hominid should stand trial in the international court for several and severe crimes.
At September of 2006, the delegate professor in Uzbekistan of the Greek ministry of Education Triarchis Georgios, was murdered by the defalcators of the communal funds, which were came in Greece for the tuition of the Greek language in the countries of the ex Soviet Union and the so called Greek colony around them. The tragic professor had denounced the big “feast” the Greek services and the co nationalists had set up and he had also named the perpetrators. Moreover he had lodged a complaint against them which was supposed to tried at October of 2006. The trial was never carried into effect as Triarchis Georgios was assassinated one month earlier.
While I was working in
Kiev I had also raised public the same scandals and I had discussed about them with the murdered professor. The charges I had promulgated put my integrity in danger. As a result I was forced to submit my resignation and return to Greece expeditiously. In this way I saved myself (am I really safe)?
Until today, despite the denunciations I have made through homo-naturalis and the complaint against the Greek state (from the Greek media only the journal Ethnos wrote about the murder) there is not one procurator who has shown interest to raise charges, at least against the accessories before the fact, for the assassination of Georgios Triarchis.

The same exact thing happened with the murders of the Russian activists. There the political authority (see Putin) gives orders to the executants to “clean up” the “bothersome”. Who gave the order for the murder of Georgios Triarchis in Taskend? Putin not for sure! He did not have any reason! Is there anyone willing to answer?







The international company Nokia-Siemens is being selling technology at the dictaturship of Teheran. In this way, the public services have the facility to abolish web pages, arrest free bloggers and monitor the conversations on the cellular phones.

Let’s abjure this depravity!

Every  decent citizen should stop buying Nokia-Siemens products immediately!





 '07/07/07.Two years ago, we started the operation of HOMO NATURALIS.

From the first time, government forces trying to prevent our presence in cyberspace.

We try to resist.

            We need your support





Switzerland: The most immoral country in the whole world.

A country that merchandises murders, drugs, guns, blackmails, the corruption, the crime in general.
The country -laundry machine of the global black money.
The country, whose habitants feed themselves with flesh and blood.
Every normal-moral person should try to block or stop this abject, immoral country, by the use of any means!







              History will be raped again at Kavalla!

Public employees snug as a bug in a rug and other flunkies of the system and the political parties will carry out an assembly (they call it conference) at Kavalla. Starting from tomorrow, it will last until Sunday. The excuse is to discuss about “civil” war, with sixty years of delay! And what do you have to decline about the tragical historical events of that period, you gloomy crows? Undoubtedly, you will centre on myths and lies and you won’t deal with the real facts of those black years. This is the only certitude. You will be present at the council chamber but the history will be the great absent! (Really, who is paying for your 7 days holiday, and how much does it cost?) And let me ask you something else: At your cackle at Kavalla will be present the spirit of the… detached historian Ioannis Kordatos?
Don’t hesitate to squander, you state salaried people, the silver you accept from the regime in order to say and write whatever they want you to. Play the part of the historians with only purpose the lucre. But you are aware of the fact that you are not historians. You can only persuade the benighted and the oblivious.  Nobody else! 






Upon completion of the technical work of site (upgrade) we'll reform and its content in some categories. Specifically:

Categories  FACTS -NEWSPAPER  we'll republish material mainly from newspapers and magazines. The BLOG will publish, as usual, the issues of members of the site.

Category BLOG not working. At present the material of BLOG  published in sections of FRONT PAGE.

In categories FRONT PAGE-NEWSPAPER the texts published in English there are mistakes.
The texts from the Greek in the English language translated into on line machine of google.




 Previously religion was the opium of the people.
Today the football is  the opium of the people.

Let us fight the football with all means!





 We deny the legitimacy of the European Parliament after the election results.

 The citizens of Europe deliberately absent from these elections.

 The political system in Europe is old and needs change.

 The political system is oligarchic.






A long time ago and many times, we have complained that  the secret services of the government, prevent the operation of Homo Naturalis and especially the site,in every way.  Some times they use "filters" or they weaken the speed and flow of our Internet connection, thus preventing easy access for visitors to the site.They distort also information and they destroy the documents.
In the past they caused many problems and for this reason the site been forced to suspend its operation for some time.

 Yesterday, we lost the texts again. They even removed a large part of the material from the FACTS and NEWSPAPER. Unfortunately, we were not placed on file the material and thus lost entirely. (We will try, of course, to make a summary which will published in the same place).

 The Greek government is behaving like a dictatorial power, imposing censorship, preventing the free movement of ideas and tramples basic human rights. Reminiscent of China and the theocratic regimes, as the current Iran.

 Many times we sent our complaints to the Greek media, refused to support us, because newspapers and TV channels in our country, it is only firms that are only aimed at profit. If someone is not in their interests they put him in the list of enemies.

 The University of Homo Naturalis complains the government and the private interests of SMEs, why impose censorship for their own purposes. In Greece there is OBSCURANTISM,violated basic human rights . On the other hand celebrate the establishment of the new Acropolis museum and the government seeks to return the marbles.

 However, the government needs some simple lessons of democratic conduct. And we can criticize and to complain that others deny the right of Greece to bring back the marbles in the Acropolis

 When a government requires respect from other countries, we must first learn to respect the rights of its citizens.



Τελευταία ανανέωση ( 03.01.17 )
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